Monday, November 26, 2012

Enduring the Darkness

“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.” ~ Og Mandino

Close your eyes, say a prayer, hold your breath, and wish for the best. It's taken me awhile to update because of the stress, disappointment, holidays, and wedding, but now it's time to attempt to put my thoughts into words. My mom's last trip to Florida did not end well. After a round of tests the doctor said everything was normal. Thankfully my mother was persistent and the 3rd year resident told the doctor she was pointing to her SMA. The doctor wanted to immediately admit her to the hospital, but my mom was flying back the next day and we had to finish getting everything ready for Thanksgiving and the wedding. Good news is Johns Hopkins agreed to take her case, scheduled her for an appointment, and she sees that doctor on Wednesday. I'm afraid to let her go on her own because she has been feeling worse, throwing up more, and becoming exhausted much easier. I don't want her to travel alone, but like myself, she is very stubborn and trying to prove to herself and everyone else that she's okay. On December 3, she gets a feeding  tube put in. I might have to fly out to Florida and drive her back home. 
 I was really worried about her last week between family, Thanksgiving, and the wedding my mom was feeling very weak. I don't think her nausea has ever been this bad. Plus, her migraines are becoming worse and lasting longer. One of the hardest things to handle was my dad's family being over and trying to get along after them not being part of our lives for ten years. There's more that I wish I could write, but everything is still too jumbled up.

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