Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bad Things Happen in 3's and 7's

"I believe that bad things happen in life to teach us how to look at good things in a whole new light."-Unknown

For as long as I can remember I've always believed that bad things happen in threes and sevens. I always wish this wasn't true and the best thing I've been able to do is to stop counting. After my grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer I tried to deal with life the best I could. I put a lot of my focus into coaching with my summer track club. I love coaching, I love my athletes, and I enjoy being able to focus on that and get my mind off of life's stresses. I met a great guy during my last semester of college. He was my upstairs neighbor, Tron, and as much as he could annoy me, he always knew the right things to say. This guy had a 6th sense, always knew when my cookies or brownies were done baking, and would show up at my door with his glass of milk ready to steal some treats. :) The most important thing Tron taught me was not to sweat the small stuff, something I still struggle with, but I know it can be a major waste of time. Tron and I didn't always agree on everything, but I knew he was always there for me. He was a great person that I could talk to about my grandmother's cancer and unfortunately in July 2011 he passed away. I know life has a way of working out and I was so thankful I was able to say goodbye to him. Two weeks later we had to put down my dog of 12 years. At this point I was beyond upset. I had lost a great friend, a sweet dog, my grandmother was battling cancer, and the awful car accident was still weighing heavily on my mind. You would think that after eight months of one thing after another life would turn around, things would get easier, but it didn't and this is where I regretted my decision not to move to Florida. Instead I found a coaching job in Houston and a great retail position. My brother had left for Afghanistan and if you've never had a loved one overseas you'll never understand the additional stress, but I was still, mostly, holding it together.

Now, bear with me, because we are now getting into the roughest part I think any child could go through...the thought of losing a parent.

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